Is the iPhone really the Best?

‘Is iPhone really the best around? This is the question a friend asked me and knowing the type of person he is, I really could not give a direct answer. Staying on the side of iPhone or against it will bring a series of other questions till he drags you into a heated argument. That is how he likes to pass a message across; he acts like he has a question but he actually wants to share his opinion. So knowing him, I refused to answer but decided to ask other people because my friend’s question kind of got stuck in my head. He has a way of always trying to force his way through. There was a time he took me all the way to his favourite shop to buy Ascis Nimbus when I could easily have bought the same thing just five minutes-walk away from my flat.
It was discovered through various online searches and inquiries that a large number of people do not really know which phone is the best or which phone is not really good. The responses were kind of surprising just like it was quite a revelation to find out that most people who use iPhones are those who really cannot afford it. A number of people use the iPhone not necessarily because they did any survey to find out how suitable or good it is; they just bought it because they felt it was in vogue or because their friends have it. It was hard to find a response that categorically claimed that the iPhone was the best. Most people don’t really know as they just go for it to blend with the current trend or because of some of its facilities. A friend remarked; ‘that question is not meant to be answered by us’. He concludes that you buy because you like.
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